Hi Kenny!

It's been a while...

Hope things are going well!

It's been quite a while but I wanted to say hello and give you an update on things!

You made a massive impression on me in the time I spent at HSE and I can't thank you enough for that. My life may not have gone in the direction I was expecting, but your support and kindness helped me stay true to myself and rise about the difficulties I faced.

So what have I been up to?

Well, I continued to work for the same company for 10 years, which started off as a fun way to learn more about web development with a friend, but changed to a closed off and isolating position by the end. There have been a lot of ups and downs, but the time in the job gave a lot more downs that I would have liked.

During that time, I grew my hair out...

Shaved it off...

Put on weight...

Lost weight...

Put on more weight...

Lost weight again...

One constant ray of hope in those times were my annual visits to my brother and his wife in Canada. I'd take a couple of weeks a year and take time to recoup and explore a bit of British Columbia. He would always encourage me and push me forward through difficult times and live up to the standards and ethics that you helped instil in me.

Things started to get pretty bad and felt like I couldn't get out of the situation I was in (the job was paying well and there was always a carrot on a stick of a big payout in the future), but in 2018 I decided to try remote working from Canada for 3 months with the potential of moving out there permanently.

I enjoyed the freedom and reduced stress from the situation I found myself in, making new friends and feeling like my life was more my life! But I still felt trapped in the job I was doing that I always felt uncomfortable about doing (working for a company that was profiting from gambling), compared to what I was doing for HSE (helping improve safety for the general public).

When I returned back to the UK ironically I got the chance to interview for a Canadian tech company (the timing was bad since I didn't get chance interview while I was there), so fast forward a couple of months and I got a chance to have a proper interview where I was offered the job based on how I interacted with their customers and how mindful I was about those around me. Again I feel like these are traits I feel are attributed to you, how you lead us and inspired us to follow suit.

After getting things worked out, I decided to rent out my apartment, and get a work visa to spend an extended duration to see how things went, and they went well!

I've been in my job now for just over a year and I've gone from a Customer Support agent to a Lead Developer and part of the main leadership team of the company and my own team.

In just the last year I feel like I've gotten the chance to pick up where I left off in HSE, as though the prior 10 years didn't happen and I can move forward with my life.

I've now got great friends....

Doing fun activities...

Visiting cool new places...

I feel like I left HSE at a time where I needed to, but felt like the move I made was the wrong one. I went from a place where I worked and cared for the people around me and what I was working on, to a job where I was made to feel like I was always doing something wrong, where I shunned and isolated from doing what I loved to.... to help people.

I miss the people and times that I spent at HSE but I'm incredibly thankful for those times, I feel like without that I wouldn't have made it to where I am now and making a better life for myself.

Unfortunately my musical practice didn't go as far as I would have liked (and the keyboard you got me is currently safely stored at my parents in Wales), but it's something I feel more compelled to get back into now I'm getting my confidence and composure back. My sister-in-law has some guitars that I'll ask to borrow.

Kenny, you were such an important influence on me and I'll for ever be in your debt for the kindness and potential you saw in me.

I'd love to hear from you, if you want to pass on details to Julia in any way (I don't have a UK mobile that I can use), it'd great to be keep in touch and find out how things have been going for you and the family.

Thank you

From Phil.